Monday, March 29, 2010


An escape from everyday life is all we are looking for. Maybe a chance to block our the reality we live in and find somewhere else to go. A distant country in Africa like my friend bryan is headed to would be a great place to escape to. Traveling the world is one option. When I put in my headphones and listen to music that alone is an escape. I can zone out, leave this place to wherever I want to go. Maybe I'll visit depression. Hopefully I'll visit happiness. More and more I am enjoying escaping from this place to journey to wherever I please. Anotherl adventure would be to induce some sort of altered reality. This is a true escape but a risky one. Once gone you have a while til you come back depending on what sort of intoxication you prefer. An addiction can settle in fast and hard. The final adventure away from here would be death itself. This is never the goal as of now. Ill wait til I'm 80 or so to do some hardcore stuff. Get drunk and run a nice car off a cliff; wouldn't that just be a blast. Eh, maybe? There are other ways of dying when you are of age that aren't so cliche. When the time comes maybe 80 won't feel so old.

Too bad the reality on earth isn't awesome so an escape wouldn't be necessary. But then again maybe this reality is exactly where I'm suppose to be and this is my escape from another more evil and darker place full of suffering to the enth degree.



The color of choice anytime

Apples of best taste red can only be this

Juicy and wet with each bite

A classic sports car faster than most

Lights flash red behind now speaking to an officer

Bulls charging no matter how angry

They fight against the flowing red beauty

Blended into flickering flames

Fire rises and falls in red prayer

The common Devil sitting in his thrown

Hell’s primary vision among the red evil below

A cherry pie cooling by the window

Delicious in texture on your red tongue

Versatile this color is

For love and faith we give it to others

Cards and candy mixed red for one day

Don’t ignore this on the streets

Refusing to obey red a fatal accident awaits

Oozing blood from a cut of open skin

Too deep and a doctor must stitch red

After mary is put into air

Bloodshot red eyes glance in suspicion

But above all

The strongest passion of any color

Holding its head high to rule over many

Greatest in strength is


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some Sort of Insanity Settles In

I guess it has been the same old stuff:
Struggling in school
Wishing riches came on a whim
Smoking weed to remind myself I don't give a shit
Staring at a life faced with more hardships than necessary (brought on by my dumb ass self)
Feeling guilt in letting my Dad down
Thinking getting paid as a pro gamer would be cool and possibly do-able
Knowing God is disappointed but still askin for help every night
Getting pissed at seeing happy couples in public just cus relationships in my life suck
Wanting the gym to be the only place I live in
Done with taking a medicine that supposedly makes me happy
More and more feeling the urge to explore the world and never stop

All this and I still struggle with the meaning of it all