Monday, March 29, 2010



The color of choice anytime

Apples of best taste red can only be this

Juicy and wet with each bite

A classic sports car faster than most

Lights flash red behind now speaking to an officer

Bulls charging no matter how angry

They fight against the flowing red beauty

Blended into flickering flames

Fire rises and falls in red prayer

The common Devil sitting in his thrown

Hell’s primary vision among the red evil below

A cherry pie cooling by the window

Delicious in texture on your red tongue

Versatile this color is

For love and faith we give it to others

Cards and candy mixed red for one day

Don’t ignore this on the streets

Refusing to obey red a fatal accident awaits

Oozing blood from a cut of open skin

Too deep and a doctor must stitch red

After mary is put into air

Bloodshot red eyes glance in suspicion

But above all

The strongest passion of any color

Holding its head high to rule over many

Greatest in strength is


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