Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 13th, 2011

July 13th, 2011

Another days work under the belt. The closer the end comes the more I fall in love with the idea of traveling. Learning about people and how they live is pretty interesting, especially when they are so different from yourself. I can only pray that the chance to explore another world comes my way.

Not only do you learn to love the people here, but there is a sense of love for people back home as well. It is a weird feeling but along with the newfound sense of the world and wanting to explore it, there is also a new feeling that attaches you to people at home. I think not matter how far you travel or how many places you see, that it is important to come back home after awhile to see the ones you love. Someone home keeps you grounded amidst the bustling world. It doesn’t have to be super often that you return and see where you came from, cus frankly it’s where you came from, you know it like the back of your hand. If it’s been quite a few years, then yea, coming back to where you learned to become the person you are is important. I guess you just realize who you depend on and who you care about....

On that note, there is no telling who you will meet on new adventures. I feel that there will always be a spot in your mind where you keep memories of ones you’ve encountered, no matter how brief. I’ve always been apprehensive of meeting new faces cus let be truthful, there are many more surface level contacts we make that ones that run deep. Most of the time you get to a point of not even trying.....but now, even if it is only for a brief moment, I think it’s awesome meeting someone new. There is only hope that you run into them again someday.....

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